The need for security at church Marla Dervaes (Sonblest Technology)
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Learn about Safety and Security challenges facing Children’s Ministry as well as some techniques and tools to help your ministry be pro-active in protecting kids.
Marla has a degree in Elementary Education, she was on staff for 10 years with her primary focus being Special Needs Children. Nelson has over 20 years of experience as a Product Development Engineer. Combined, they have over 27 years of experience working with children and youth. They develop systems for enhancing Children’s and Youth Ministries and created SonBlest. They work together with churches to create Ministry Management systems that help protect children and simplify administrative tasks.
Marla has a degree in Elementary Education, she was on staff for 10 years with her primary focus being Special Needs Children. Nelson has over 20 years of experience as a Product Development Engineer. Combined, they have over 27 years of experience working with children and youth. They develop systems for enhancing Children’s and Youth Ministries and created SonBlest. They work together with churches to create Ministry Management systems that help protect children and simplify administrative tasks.