
Always Bring Your A-Game

English Ministry Leaders

Always Bring Your A-Game

The goal is not to be THE best. It is to be YOUR best. Always bring your A-Game! One cannot over-emphasize the eternal impact and importance of your weekly investment into the lives of the children God has entrusted to you. It is during these formative years that children make decisions that will shape the direction of the rest of their lives. They need your best! Too often we compare ourselves to others and wish we were better — or get discouraged by what we can’t do. God makes no such comparisons. He asks only that we do our best...

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Leading Up: Come with Solutions, Not Problems

English Ministry Leaders

Leading Up: Come with Solutions, Not Problems

Ministry leaders are no strangers to problems. Resource needs, facility challenges, volunteer shortages — there’s something to tackle every week. If you serve in ministry, you encounter problems. If you want to serve your ministry well AND lead up to your leaders, this is my best advice: Don’t come to them with problems, come with solutions. Overwhelm with excellence by approaching your leaders with proposals, not with problems. Busy leaders do not want to solve your issues. So don’t come to them empty handed. Do not come as a person with needs and no plans for how to meet those...

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Children’s Ministry…from Scratch

English Ministry Leaders

Children’s Ministry…from Scratch

You may be taking on a whole new step in kid’s ministry, at a new position. Or perhaps you are tasked with relaunching your church’s kid’s ministry after a time of stagnation or closure. Starting from scratch can be daunting. Do these 5 things during the first year of your launch/relaunch: 1. Get acquainted. Learn the culture. What does this group of people hold sacred? Your leadership success in your new position will be based on the quality of your relationships, not on positional power or titles. What is working well? What seems to be broken? If you are from...

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Justice and Mercy

English Ministry Leaders

Justice and Mercy

We all want children to know that God loves them deeply. But to really convey the depth of God’s love for humanity, we need to tell children about God’s love of two other things: justice and mercy Justice means that those who are guilty are punished for whatever they have done. Mercy means that those who are guilty are forgiven for whatever they have done. These might seem like irreconcilable opposites, but God brings them together. In fact, the essence of the gospel is God’s unique ability to be perfectly just and perfectly merciful. As Romans 5:8-9 tell us, God...

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Get to Know the Kids in Your Ministry

English Ministry Leaders

Get to Know the Kids in Your Ministry

FISH for What Makes a Kid Unique, and You’ll Hook Them! We spend much of our time teaching large groups — but those groups are made of individual kids, and each of them is different and unique. When we take the time to get to know our children, we gain insights that will empower and enlighten our large group teaching and help us connect with our students better. But getting kids to talk can be a challenge! “Yeah,” “Nah” or “Idunno,” seem to be kids’ go-to answers when we ask questions. The key to getting kids to talk is to...

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